When you want to check the PPM video history, you can enter time duration, room name or username to search the results. 
Start Date: The start time that users begin to consume credits to watch PPM/PPV video.
End Date: The end time that users consume credits to watch PPM/PPV video.
Room Name: The specific room or all rooms that users consume credits to watch PPM/PPV video.
User Level: Register user and guest.
Username: The username of credits consumer.
Enter some information to search PPM/PPV video history.
Click detail to view the user's PPM/PPV video history, including Room ID, Date, Type, Receiver, Sender and Credits.
Room ID: The room where the user watched PPM/PPV video.
Start Time: The start time the user watched the PPM/PPV video.
End Time: The end time the user closed the PPM/PPV video.
Type: PPM or PPT, that is Pay per Minute or Pay per Time.
Receiver: The broadcaster of the PPM/PPV video.
Sender: The username of those who watched the PPM/PPV video.
Credits: The "+"in credits are the commission credits the gets, and "-" in credits mean the cost of PPM/PPV video they paid.