Credits are the virtual currency in all of 123 Flash Chat rooms, although the different chat owners may decide different cash credit ratio on their own.
In order to use credits service
First click "Enable Virtual Currency Credits Service" and press save button to activate credits service.
BBC Affiliate Rates: Check how much revenue you can make.
Pay per Minute Settings: A shortcut for Pay per Minute setting panel.
Virtual Gifts Settings: A shortcut for Virtual Gifts setting panel.
Exchange Rate: The exchange rate between credits and US Dollars, which is only available for Mopay.

There are PayPal, Mopay and cashU, and the payment method can be modified or deleted here. Press Up/Down to arrange payment display order.
You can also add, edit and delete the credits ratio in Credits Setting. Press Up/Down to arrange display credits ratio order.
How to buy credits?
There are several ways to buy credits: Click the shopping cart button above userlist, buy credits button in gifts panel and but credits button in insufficient credits notice.

Choose the payment type and credits amount to checkout And (BCC) will pop up, only 123 Flash Chat buyer can enter the website.