Overview | 123WebMessenger is an IM software for your website, with text and video chat options, which enables one to one private chat among users. - One way to launch the IM is just like Facebook bar, 123WebMessenger adds an IM toolbar to your website, keeping the visitors active, connected and addicted. There is a friend list dock at the bar and it's for users to manage buddies.
- Another way is an invitation button on your webpage to start one to one private chat.
- It has an optional desktop IM app. with friend list too, which creates tight bonding among users.
123WebMessenger can be installed to any CMS easily! Joomla, WordPress, etc. | Featured Clients
Highlights of version 2.6 Refined Webbar Just like Facebook bar, 123WebMessenger can add a chat bar to your webpages, with a friend list dock at the bar and enable users to one-to-one chat. That's exactly what every webmaster is looking for!
Popular Apps
Webbar buttons: the buttons of some default apps we have developed (Facebook like, Facebook fan page, Twitter, Google+1, YouTube, share, scroll to top, translate page), as well as those of some user-defined apps, can be added to the webbar.. Check now! |
Minimized Webbar
The webbar can be minimized to the bottom-right corner.
Nine fabulous skins are available to the admin to match your website. Play cool or play cute? we've got an option for you.
The admin has more control over 123WebMessenger than ever, e.g., control the guest login box, add friend button,enable users to edit one's own profile and show other's profile, etc.
Files and pictures can be transferred among users, and it makes the communication more efficient. (Available in the Ultimate Edition.)
Friend List makes it convenient to manage friends and keep in better touch.
Video Demo |
The logo of 123WebMessenger can be replaced as well as the link, cause we understand it's very important to build your brand.
Text ads and banner ads are allowed. It can be used to boost revenue by adding banners for other websites, or to promote your own content.
Chat users may download the desktop IM app from your website.
And stay in touch with each other easily.
(Only available in the Ultimate Edition.)
A chat invitation button may be added to user profile or user list page, etc., which makes live interaction easier!
Video Demo
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