When you want to check the credits change history, you can enter time duration, room name or username to search the results.

Login buychatcredits.com
Login website buychatcredits.com to check the credit change history. The login and password will be popped up once you have activated the Virtual Currency Credits Service.
Start Date: The start time that users begin to consume credits.
End Date: The end time that users consume credits.
Operator Type: The users' recharge type, including operator admin, operator system notification, and all.
Operator Admin: Admin add credits manually.
Operator System Notification: Recharge credits by system.
User Level: Registered users or guests.
Username: The username of credits consumer.
Enter some information to search credits change history.

Click detail to view the user's credits change history, including Order ID, Date, Operator, Cash, Credits and Status.

Order ID: The order ID of the credits change.
Date: The date of the credits change.
Operator: The operator who changes the credits amount, can be admin or system.
Cash: The cash amount to buy credits.
Credits: The changed credits amount.
Status: The status of the user's account, Approve/Disapprove/Refund.