It can add a live chat room to Joomla. And the best part is that a free hosted chat will be assigned to your Joomla, once the module is successfully installed.
Joomla Chat Integration Introduction
It adds a chat room with multiple skins and users single sign-on. Recent changes: social connect feature, better chat room control in Joomla ACP, compatible with the latest Joomla3.3, profile integration & avatar integration, video conference, membership upgrade, mobile app and HTML5 client.
1. Single sign-on
Install the module, and the Joomla user database will be immigrated to the chat room and single sign-on will be enabled. It's all automatic! Then Joomla users may click the "Chat" button directly, without being asked to login again.
2. Chat Status
The following data of the chat room can be displayed on the Joomla index page to attract more users to join chatting.
Total rooms, total connections, online users
Chat room list
Online user list
(The 3 types of data can be individually disabled to display as you prefer.)

3. Profile Integration
Joomla users profiles can be fully integrated to the chat room, so that the profile will appear in the context menu once clicking a username in the chat room. And it's also automatic!
4. Avatar Integration
Users avatars will be transferred to the chat directly as well after the integration is done; So what the avatar users have used in the website will become their icons for the chat automatically!
5. Social Connect
Chat users can add linking to their Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo or Google account, so to update their status on the social networks with their activities in chat!

6. Memership Upgrade
Chat users are divided into levels and users are encouraged to upgrade from a regular user to plus, premium or VIP member; As an upgraded member, there will be not only a special icon created and move in the userlist, but also some other charming privileges like access into a full room, limit of times to be banned per day etc.
7. Control Panel
Joomla ACP-> Extensions -> 123 Flash Chat, enter the setting panel of the module.

8. Mobile App
There is a new mobile App available now for 123 Flash Chat users; It is accessible for iPhone, iPad and Android devices users.
9. Choose Chat Clients
Three chat clients: the flash client is the standard one and has a mountain of features, while the HTML chat client is extremely light and very flexible, even works on mobile phone. And an optional avatar chat client has walking talking cartoon figures.
Two open modes: embedded or popup. The latter one is more popular among Joomla users.
10. Change Chat Size, Language
You can change chat window size and interface language.
11. Choose a Skin
You can choose a proper skin scheme to fit your Joomla. There are sixteen skins options available:

12. Chat Admin Panel
Except the Joomla ACP, the chat admin panel is also imported here for your convenience. Please be aware that the admin account here might be different to that of the Joomla ACP.
Joomla 3.x | General Chat Demo | Live Demo on Customer Site |
 Joomla 2.x  |  |  |
Joomla Chat Features
Trouble-Free - Users integrated: Joomla users access accounts can be fully integrated to chat room.
- Single sign-on : No separate login is required.
- Profile integrated: Joomla user profiles can be fully integrated to chat room. New!
- Avatar inregrated: Joomla users avatars can be transferred as well. New!
Full Control - Mutiple skins: Sixteen skins are available to fit in your CMS.
- Various chat clients: A standard Flash client has full features, a small and neat HTML5 client is light and flexible in size and therefore can be used as a shoutbox, etc.
- Customize size and interface language to match your CMS.
- Admin Panel: A chat admin panel is available for paid user to customize the chat room.
- Display chat data: chat room list, online users, chat user names, etc. can be displayed or not.
Why Wait? - Social connect features: social sign-on, linking, sharing, Facebook chat, tweet chat and follow a Twitter user. New!
- Luxurious chat features: Lobby and private chat, Avatar, smilies, flash emotions, post-notifier, etc.
- Free hosted chat available.
- Free Video Support for paid users.
- 30 Days Free Video Support for new text chat buyers.New!
- Hand-raising Feature is enabled.New!
- 16 skins available.New!
- Powerful Administration for paid users.
- PPM/PPV support for paid users. Make profit by running the chat. New!
- Virtual Gift available, vivid and amazing.
- Mobile APP available; Iphone, Ipad and Android devices supported. New!
- Video Conference available.
- Professional support staff for paid chat hosting user or license buyer.
Server Modes
123 Flash Chat provides three options for webmaster, free trial license, free hosting or paid ones.

Joomla Chat Extension Review
I have 123FlashChat installed on my server for two years and never had any problems. All my webs running under joomla and the integration between joomla and 123flaschat works perfect, very well.
It's expensive yes, it's good yes it's the best, and I just want the best for my users.
Setup was a bit of a challenge for me but with help from 123 Flash Chat team the program was up and running in no time.
The 123flashchat is the best chat from the users point of view that I found. I have it hosted by the company and it is quick, easy to use, the Joomla-Integration (free version) is quick and easy.
The whole system is a little bit more complicated in the installation itself.
But ... remember two important points:
- The important point is the users point of view, and from this point this is the best chat I found. Once it is installed it works brilliant.
- I bought the script about 3 years ago and I see very good improvement in the development of the integration. While it was a two-hour-process editing masses of php-files that time, now it is only the upload of some files and the edit is just some little code-snippets, few of them. And the rest ... adjusting paths until it works.
When you want to integrate a really good chat and nut "just a simple script", you will have to do some work. And if this is your goal, 123flashchat is maybe the best you can get (I didn't find a better one.
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