It can add a live chat room to Drupal with sixteen skins, multiple languages and users single sign-on. And the best part is once the module is successfully installed, a free hosted chat will be assigned to your Drupal.
Drupal Chat Introductions
It adds a chat room with multiple skins and single sign-on. Recent changes: Two Modes added(General and PPM/PPV), better chat room control in Drupal ACP, added social connect feature and html client that works beautifully on cross platforms.
1. Single sign-on
Drupal chat user's database will be immigrated to the chat room and single sign-on will be enabled since the module is installed. The Drupal users will login the chat automatically without being asked again.
2. Chat Status
The following data of the chat room can be displayed on the DRUPAL index page to attract more users to join chatting.
- Total online users, total chat rooms, total login users
- Login user list

3. Control Panel
Drupal ACP -> 123 Flash Chat, enter the setting panel of the module.

4. Social Connect
123 Flash chat is available now for social connect. The chat users can enter chat room with Facebook, Twitte, Yahoo or Google account. The activities in the chat can also be updated on the social networks automatically.

5. Mobile App, HTML5 Client
Drupal Chat Module works cross devices. The users can visit the chat via their iPhone, iPad and Android devices. HTML5 Client makes the users load chat with fast speed.

6. Choose a Skin
There are Sixteen skins available in Drupal Chat Addon for user choose.

7. Clear All Users' Screen
Admin can clear screen for all users with the HTML5 client since V10.0. It is different from the past screen clearing function which is confined to one's own screen. It makes the chat more controllable esp. something annoying happens in the chat.

8. IP Range Ban
Admin can not only do the regular username, computer ID and IP ban but also make IP range ban now with the new html5 client for 123 Flash Chat. With this new feature, admin can ban a series of IPs within certain range. User will still stay in the current room even if his IP range is banned but cannot come back once he has exited the room by himself after his IP range was banned. This works on HTML Client only.

For Drupal Chat: | File Size: 23.3KB Installation Level: Intermediate Installation Time: ~5 Minutes | |
1. Drupal Chat Demo | 2. General Chat Demo | |
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DRUPAL Chat Features
Trouble-Free - Users integrated: Users of your Drupal can be fully integrated to Chat.
- Single sign-on : No separate login is required.
- Simple installation : Less than 5 minutes needed and 24*7 tech support is available for buyers.
Full Control - Mutiple skins: Thirteen skins are available to fit in your CMS.
- Various chat clients: A standard Flash client has full features, a small and neat HTML/Ajax client is light and flexible in size and therefore can be used as a shoutbox, etc; a newly developed HTML5 client makes the chat from good to better which works beautifully on PC, iPhone, iPad and Android devices.
- Customize size and interface language to match your CMS.
- Admin Panel: A chat admin panel is available for paid user to customize the chat room.
- Display chat data: A chat admin panel is available for paid user to customize the chat room.
Why Wait? - Social connect features: social sign-on, linking, sharing, Facebook chat, tweet chat and follow a Twitter user. New!
- Luxurious chat features: Lobby and private chat, Avatar, smilies, flash emotions, etc.
- Free hosted chat available.
- Optional video chat for paid users.
- Optional Video Conference chat for paid users.New!
- Professional support staff for paid chat hosting user or license buyer.
- Mobile Apps: Chat owners may launch your iPhone, iPadand Android apps for users to chat anywhere, anytime. Details New!
- 30 Days Free Hosting Chat!
Server Modes
123 Flash Chat provides three options for webmaster, free trial license, free hosting or paid ones.

Drupal Board Introduction: - Open source - The source code of Drupal is freely available under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). Unlike proprietary blogging or content management systems, Drupal's feature set is fully available to extend or customize as needed.
- Online help - Have built a robust online help system and written the core help text.
- Discussion forums - Full discussion forum features are built into Drupal to create lively, dynamic community sites.
- Multi-language - Drupal is designed to meet the requirements of an international audience and provides a full framework to create a multi-lingual website, blog, content management system or community application.
- Database independence - Drupal is built on top of a database abstraction layer that enables you to use Drupal with MySQL and PostgreSQL.