|  | Advantages of the 123 Web Messenger Admin Panel 1. Monitor some important data related to your 123 Web Messenger. You can easily know of the number of users in each of IM chat clients (Web-based Friend List, Facebook like Web Chat Bar & Windows Desktop Client), the total connections at a very time and the activities in your IM system. 2. Offer an easy way to help you integrate website with 123 Web Messenger. Just choose the database you used, it will tell you the rest. 3. Help to manage the visitors and users on your website integrated with 123 Web Messenger. In the user management panel, you can add a user account, edit it, and ban some impolite ones. 4. Make a beeline for Basic Settings. You can set the link to "Help" and "Register" button, and also edit the language file and custom Menu Settings here. 5. Set Marketing Features. It enables you to add text ads and banner ads to Instant Messaging Chat Clients, earning money or giving your service more opportunities to be learned by your visitors. In addition, you can replace the 123WebMessenger logo to yours and modify its link. And the skin can be changed easily in Admin Panel to match your website. Both of them above help you to enhance brand association. 6. Filter some nasty or insulting information. In the "System settings" of the admin panel, you can make it by simple configuration. 7. Configure Ultimate Edition Settings. You can set the Video/Audio Chat and File Transfer Function here if you are using Ultimate Edition of 123 Web Messenger Software or Hosting Service. 8. Ask for help from us. In the "Submit Ticket" of the admin panel, enter the content and click a button, then you can do it. 9. Manage the chat history. | |