By default, all configurations for the 123 Live Help server are controlled by two files:
lhserver.xml , which is located at:
<123livehelp installation directory> /etc/lhserver.xml
server.xml , which is located at:
<123livehelp installation directory> /etc/group/default/server.xml.This file is not in effect in host version
How to edit it?
In Windows, you may open lhserver.xml in notepad to edit it. If you now open it with IE browser, you may check source code by right-click to edit it directly.
In UNIX, you may use VI editor to edit lhserver.xml.
After modifying this configuration file, please open it in a browser to test. If syntax error messages pop up, please configure it again before launching the chat room. After modifying this file, you have to restart the chat server to make it effective.
There are three parts of configurations in lhserver.xml,
Connection Configuration
Two servers
In the Connection Section, you can set two servers and listen to two ports.
There are four reasons as to why there is a second server port option. They are listed below:
Any version before Flash Player 7 only allows access on a high port (1024-65535) due to security reasons, while a low port is forbidden. If you are okay with high port you will not need to set secondary-server. However if you need to set port lower than 1024, you will need a secondary-server.
If the port of your primary-server is lower than 1024 like 80, then only users with Flash Player 7 or newer versions will be able to access the chat while users with flash player 6 can't.
In this case a secondary-server will be necessary. The port for the secondary server should be greater than 1024, which will allow users with an earlier version of Flash Player to access chat.
If you are going to set a high port for your primary-server, then usually you will not need a secondary-server. You will be able to leave the option as default: enable="off".
Using two servers with two ports is just a temporary solution while some users are still using Flash players earlier than version 7.
When Flash player 7 or higher version becomes mainstream, we will take off the secondary-server for future versions of 123 Live Help.
To help understanding, please study two tables below:
Parameter | High port (1024-51127) | Low port (<1024) |
>Flash player 7 | 
|  Primary server |
|  secondary server |  |
Parameter | High port (1024-51127) | Low port (<1024) |
>=Flash player 7 |  Primary server |  |
|  (unnecessary) |  |
To modify the Parameters, please refer to the table below:
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
port | Number | 8969 | The server port must be identical with the port53alue in config.xml. |
ip | String | * | Set the Server address. A default "*" means the live help server will bind to all IP addresses of your server. The host53alue in config.xml can be a random IP address or any domain name which points to this IP address. Either way, clients will be able to connect to the server. If you set IP address of the server to the specific IP address of your server, then the live help server will only bind to this IP. This will mean that in config.xml, to connect the live help server, you can only use this specific IP address or the domain name which points to this IP address. |
To modify the Parameters, please refer to the table below:
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
port | Number | 8988 | The server port must be identical with the port53alue in client.xml. |
ip | String | * | Set the Server address. A default "*" means the chat server will bind to all IP addresses of your server. The host53alue in config.xml can be a random IP address or any domain name which points to this IP address. Either way, clients will be able to connect to the server. If you set IP address of the server to the specific IP address of your server, then the live help server will only bind to this IP. This will mean that in config.xml, to connect the live help server, you can only use this specific IP address or the domain name which points to this IP address. |
enable | String | On | Enable or disable the http server |
documentRoot | String | html | The directory out of which you will serve your documents. By default, all requests are taken from <123livehelp installed directory>/html directory. |
maxUPLoad Size | Number | 1024 | Setting the max file can be uploaded to the server, if the53alue less than or equals to 0, this means the server will not accept any upload files. |
The chat server uses the cross-domain-policy to ensure security.
<allow-access-from domain="*" /></allow-access-from>
By default it permits access to the connection originating from any domain.
To limit access from a specific domain name, you can configure your server in the following way:
<allow-access-from domain="" /></allow-access-from>